
Dottie Sines is the author of two novels,
with a third in the process of being created
. . . all historical fiction.

Where the Stars Cross


In the depths of
the Great Depression,
Ellie suffers another crash
— that of her marriage.
She’s left struggling
to restore her shattered life,
feeling as damaged
as the stained-glass panels
she refurbishes for
Chicago’s historic structures.

While visiting her aunt
in Marietta, Ohio,
a charming river town,
Ellie encounters
towboat captain Wyatt
and feels a searing attraction to him.
But thanks to past
and subsequent wounds,
trying to open herself to love
seems futile.
Her hope for love
and her determination
to find the place she belongs
are further complicated
by her tendency to make
impulsive decisions.

In her journey,
Ellie draws on
an unrealized level of courage
and learns she must
identify her brightest passions
in charting her course.

Where the Stars Cross
was published worldwide
on September 11
by New York based publisher
The Wild Rose Press.

Order now at Amazon,
Barnes & Noble, Target, Wal-Mart, Books-a-Million, Google Books, Hoopla, iTunes, IndieBound, Kobo, OverDrive, Scribd, and
many other retailers.

It Stays with You

Based on a true story.

Yes, it's set in Paris.
And Key West.
And Havana and more.

Coming soon.

Title TBD

There once was a woman
who made a big impact on the world
in the 19th century.

This is her story.

Stay tuned.
Reviews of Where the Stars Cross


N.N. Light's Book Heaven
September 11, 2024

Can Ellie forge her own path to happiness while opening her heart to love or will her journey lead her to loneliness and heartbreak? Where the Stars Cross is an emotional tale set in the Great Depression, Ellie suffers great loss but can’t seem to find a place to put down roots. This is, in essence, the crux of Where the Stars Cross. No matter the time period, this is something we all face. Can we let go of past pain, heal our wounds, and open our hearts to love? The narration is equal parts descriptive and emotional. Dottie Sines has a gift for narration. Her use of emotions propels the plot. I found myself transported back in time. Each scene is detailed well so the reader experiences everything first-hand. The characters are well-written, especially Ellie. I connected with her and all she goes through. There were many times I shouted out loud at Ellie and even Wyatt. Yes, I became quite invested in this story and the characters. Where the Stars Cross is a poignant look at a slice of Americana during the Great Depression, and I recommend it to all readers. Rating: 5 stars



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