About Dottie Sines

Dottie scratched out her first attempts at fiction as a kid transfixed by the books she read . . . Curious George and Nancy Drew, Gone with the Wind and Little Women . . . all those lazy summer days on the front porch swing of her small-town Midwestern home.

When not managing the interlibrary loan department at a college, Dottie contributes to multiple newspapers and magazines. Her short stories and non-fiction pieces have won many awards.

Where the Stars Cross is her first novel.

Follow Dottie's Facebook page, Amazon page, and Goodreads page.  

Dottie enjoys all things historical. Towns, buildings, homes. Clothing and jewelry. Typewriters and tins and trinkets. Books.
(Her first novel, Where the Stars Cross,
is set in the 1930s.)

Naturally, she serves on the board of the
county historical society.

Award-Winning Author

    Dottie has twice been honored as one of ten finalists
    in the short story contest of the Ernest Hemingway Foundation of Oak Park, which published her award-winning stories in its literary journal, Hemingway Shorts.

    Read “Analisa’s Letter" in the 3rd edition and "In the Twilight of Memory" in the 5th edition, available at: https://www.hemingwaybirthplace.com/hemingway-shorts/

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